

UPDATE: The flash image I have here doesn't works for those of you with the OS version 2.01.0700 nor 2.02.****. If you try to hack your calculator with this flash image and you have one of this versions, the calculator won't simply update. It will work normally. If you have or find an image for this versions, please contact me or simply post a link to them in a comment.

UPDATE 2: New flash images have been caught in the wild (thank you Matt Warta for finding them). Here is the link to the original page: http://www.cncalc.org/thread-8335-1-1.html
If you're having problems downloading the file, go here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pm9c6tbc0x8z3c2/fxRemote.7z
The download contains the new fxRemote, all flash images for the new OS versions as well as instructions on how to update your calculator. The process may be very similar to the one below (except if you're using a SLIM).


Have you ever desired to have add-ins in your fx-9750 GII? Or to have a fractional result instead of a decimal when solving polynomial equations? Of course you have. Now you can have the fx-9860 GII operative system in your fx-9750 GII or fx-9860 G, run add-ins and much more! So, I’m going to explain how to do it. It’s not very hard. If you don’t understand something, post a comment and I’ll make a video, if possible.

So, first of all, you’ll need two simple things:
- A modified flash image of a fx-9860 GII (LINK)
- A program to transfer the flash image to your calculator (LINK)

Be aware that those files are not mine and I don't own any part of them.

Download booth and now I’ll start explaining the process.

HOW TO HACK YOUR fx-9750 GII OS (The process is the same for the fx-9860 G, but not for the Slim) (This is the old procedure. The new one is very similar but be careful with which flash image you choose):
1 – Open pfxRecover_Beta
2 – Plug your calculator to your computer, press F1 (transfer data) and cancel it by pressing AC
3 – Turn off your calculator
4 – With a pencil or something sharp, press the Restart button in the back of your calculator and keep pressing it
5 – While pressing the Restar button, hold F2 + 4 + AC
6 – Release the Restart button and then the rest of the buttons
7 – After releasing, quickly press 9, release and press x (multiplication sign)
8 – Wait until de OS Error screen appears on your calculator. Don’t be scared with that. It’s completely normal.
8.1 – Now, your calculator automatically connects to your computer if it’s correctly plugged
9 – Return to pfxRecover and press Recover
10 – Select the flash image (if you didn’t change anything, it should be named 2_00_0200.fls)
11 – Wait until the update is complete. Don’t worry with your calculator's screen. It will be fine!

After the update check if you have e-Activity and s-Sheet in the Main Menu. If you have, congratulations! You’ve hacked your calculator and you can now run powerful add-ins and have the powerful Math Input!

There is a small risk that this process may break your calculator. So, do it at your risk. I've already hacked some and it never happened.
There may be some minor errors. However, they are nothing special. For example, after adding some add-ins they sometimes don't appear on the Main Menu, but if you go to Storage Memory, they are still there. You'll probably have to initialize your calculator, which means you will have to delete everything.
Special characters may become odd. To solve this problem, just press the Restart button.
And other things that should not be a major problem.


  1. O_o
    NICE!thx for that, my calculator finally gets usefull

    1. ¿Hola alguien aún sigue aqui? ¿Quisiera modificar la calculadora, pero no he podido tengo la aversión 02.02.0701
      según yo si deberia funcionar pero cuando logro entrar a la pantalla en negro, mi computadora no detecta el modo recibir, el cable está bien porque me detecta un dispositivo, pero en la app no me detecta el nombre de la calculadora alguna idea? Muchas gracias

  2. Look around here: http://www.casiocalc.org/to/fsdisplay.php?cat2disp=FS.FX.9860G.casm#totitle

    You can also search on http://www.casiokingdom.org

    1. Hola amigo! Quisiera modificar mi calculadora, pero no he podido tengo la aversión 02.02.0701
      según yo si debería funcionar, pero cuando logro entrar a la pantalla en negro, mi computadora no detecta el modo recibir, el cable está bien porque me detecta un dispositivo, pero en la app no ​​me detecta el nombre de la calculadora alguna idea? muchas gracias.

  3. i get a pop up in german saying "not finding file or something".. i have a fx-9750gii and was interested to remove the 200.00.0700 thing and put in the 20.00.0200 os...thing
    the calc says os error please update os.. and in this state it is in recieving mode, then i open the pfx ..program and push recovery and dobbelklick on the 200.00.0200fls. file.. and then the popup comes

    any idea of what the problem could be?

    1. Could please send me an e-mail with a photo of that pop-up please? It would really help a lot. You can send it to: rafaelvcaetano@hotmail.com

  4. Replies
    1. Yes. From now, I will answer you through there.

    2. could you tell me how this was fixed mine also said this

    3. AIK82 never replied to me again. The best you can do is try to contact him and see if and how he fixed it.

  5. I am looking in to do doing this to my calculator. What are the odds of it "breaking"? and what do you mean by that?

    1. That, I don't know, but it they must be very small. Very unlike to happen. As I said, I´ve already hacked some from my friends and it never happened.
      And what I mean is that the calculator may become unusable. You turn it on and you can't use any function, or it gives you an error every time you turn it on or it may even never turn on again! But this are just my theories. I've have absolutely no idea of what could happen.

    2. My calculator forever broke :<

  6. pardon, I'm also trying this... but when i get all the way to pfx update, onscreen it says completed successfully. then i get a message saying bad flash address. "attempted to update:
    update ver: 1.00
    bad flash adress!
    press -P button or - restart button to restart"
    or something across those lines.

    1. First of all, sorry for my delay. Now, what do you do after that message appears and what happens next?

    2. Hi I get the same error. I click restart and what happens is the calc just goes back to normal and doesn't update. if I run the update again the same thing just happens.

    3. I think that it means that the flash image you are trying to download is not suitable for the hardware you have. Do not try to get that image on the calculator. You will brick it if you do so.

  7. When i try to enter in bootcode, it does nothing :( the os just starts normally

  8. will this not affect the calc keys? i mean making them print different characters on screen? also my 9750GII is on OS 2.01.0700, will that affect?

    1. every time i try, it gives me an unknown BIOS screen. help? :(

  9. i have the same problem as USPGHISTORIAISALGUE.
    here is what the screen shows. from other forums it seems like i may need to get a new OS image, but i've been searching and can't find another one. i suppose the answer is staring me in the face, but i can't see it yet. please help.

    Unkown BIOS

    Push P-button or

  10. Apparently, the flash image I have here is not for the most recent version of the 9750GII. And unfortunately, I have no idea of where to find it. Sorry guys :(. If someone finds it, please let me know. I will now update my post to include this information.

  11. Seems that I'm not able to launch the bootcode. When I do (and I did it several times), it simply starts the calculator and open the program list.
    May you help me?

    1. Sorry for my late reply. Anyway, you calculator probably has a more recent software version and the flash image I have here no longer works. But, by the way, could you tell me which OS version do you have? You can check it SYSTEM menu.

  12. when i tried it, it told me something in german or russian on a popup screen and the calculator stayed at the "OS error please update OS"

  13. My understanding is that a more recent version of the software can be found at

    But my download keeps freezing. Perhaps someone else will have more luck.

    1. Well,

      it worked!!! I used fxRemote.exe and the 2_01_0200_sh3.fls and it finally worked!

    2. Thank you for finding this! I will add this information to the post.

  14. My casio fx-9750GII had crashed :( .

    1. What happened? Did it show any special error? What happens now?

    2. No , it's starts good .I have followed all steps , in the end she showed me that a instalation of new software passed ok , and after she did no want to start. Now , i have a 3 yerar garranty from casio and i sent it to the factory and said the she doesn't want to start :D .

  15. Hi
    Do I have a problem. The image (screen) upside down what do I do now? I tried re-installing does not help. I have a Casio fx-9750GII white front. Thanks in advance. Obed

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Please
    who can help me?
    My os is 02.02.0701 and give me an error 761 at the last second

    1. I'm sorry but I cannot help you there. I've only updated the older versions and I don't know what that error may mean. I suggest you go to the website where you can find the flash images for the new versions and see if anyone had the same problem. I know the website is in chinese but you can always use a translator. If you still can't find an answer, try to post your problem. Maybe you will find someone to help you.
      The link to the website is here.

  18. Okay so I am trying to update my Casio calculator version 02.02.0701 to the fx-9860gii OS, but I can't backup my OS as I can't find it. I have installed Casio FA-125 and fxRemote, but when I go on fxRemote to backup my calculator I don't know where to look for the .fls file. I know my calculator can connect to the PC as it can connect on Casio FA-124 and I can see it as a driver (it's called CESG502), I have checked it for updates, it says its fully updated. So where do I find the .fls file? (it's not in 'My Computer), plus I have run a search of my computer and cannot find it.

    Thankyou for reading this lengthy post, I hope I have put this in the right thread Undecided
    Could someone perhaps send me a link to a backup

    1. So, the problem with you is that you can't create a backup of your calculator, right? Or you just can't open the flash image you want to upload to the calculator?


    2. I'm getting this message.

      00:00:00.000:FXCheckImage C:\Users\noize_000\Downloads\fxRemote\2_01_0200_sh3.fls
      00:00:00.031:Checksum OK!
      00:00:00.031:FStart in
      00:00:00.141:USB communication failed: check USB-driver or cabling.
      00:00:00.141:Check if FA-124 is correctly installed on this machine.
      00:00:01.141:FStart out
      00:00:01.141:Automatically cancelled!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


  22. For me, the contrast has messed up!!

  23. Hey guys can anyone of you send me the 2_02_0201_sh4.fls
    I really nead this file to update my fx-9750gii that is running the 02.04.2701 version

  24. how can I do a manual upgrade to my fx-9750gii??

  25. I found the process just translate it
    OS ERROR估计是卡西欧设置的刷写系统的途径,只要计算器硬件没有损坏,都可以通过OS Error来刷写系统来修复计算器。


  26. Do you know of any flash files for the 2.05 or 2.09 version of the software? I have managed to get my calc to version 2.02.0201 but the extra features would be nice. Thanks

  27. Mine says "Receive mode not activated!" over and over
